

Oh look, the first Monday after Labour Day. Rejuvenation, a very fitting word actually (the root from the Latin "iuventus", in English "youth"). I wonder how many of these strange new faces are those of frosh. Filled with excitement in anticipation for their imminent journey, one that's just brimming with seemingly endless potential: academic challenge, new relationships, and possibly one of the first times they can really exercise authority in their lives.

To be honest, I'm kind of envious. I remember a time years ago when I was excited to start school, not with a cynical desire to complete my program, but with a sense of hope in engaging in a truly novel environment. Oh, back then, when all these new possibilities that I could take into the world had been laid bare before me. Even the air seemed fresher and more able to permeate even the remote (apical) regions of my lungs. A time when the green grass, the cool breeze, and all those imagined promises weren't mired by the tumults of tomorrow, a time when it was perfectly ok (well in my mind at the time anyway) to focus only on the present, both its joys and its stresses.

Not so today, when the present is only a waiting room for the hardships of the future guaranteed by the not-so-innocuous decisions made in the past. Well, at least I listen to cooler music nowadays...

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